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DEBRA: On the Unsupervised Learning of Concept Hierarchies from (Literary) Text

With this work, we introduce a novel method for the unsupervised learning of conceptual hierarchies, or concept maps as they are sometimes called, which is aimed specifically for use with literary texts...
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Postmodern Metaphysics

In many respects, one can consider the age that we live in, the Quantum Era, as one of intense intellectual crisis and turmoil, very much analogous to the crisis that the intellectuals faced during the Enlightenment Era after the world had…
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An Ontological Retrospective: Another Look at Aristotle and Pirsig’s Metaphysics of Quality

Throughout this work we have emphasized the influence of Aristotle, perhaps more so than any other (Western) philosopher – even relative to his teacher Plato.  His importance and relevance as it relates to the development and evolution of…
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homo mysticus is here

If you want to read some of my latest work, more of a gnostic bent than most of my previous work but covering some of the same topics (ancient philosophy and metaphysics, mysticism, sacred geometry and theology, etc), you can see an early draft…
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Into the Mystic: The Great Epistemological Divide

Upon reflection then, looking at the broader historical-cultural intellectual landscape in terms of how our worldview has evolved, at least in the West, since the advent of civilization in the 1st millennium BCE up until the modern era, the…
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The Law of Unintended Consequences and the Death of the Soul

Despite all the technological progress that has been made in the last century or two as humanity has taken over virtually every last habitable place on our planet, supported by what can only be referred to as revolutionary advancements in Science,…

Songs of the Soul (The Seeker): A Retrospective.

A conversation with Valdez about The Seeker (Songs of the Soul), Theology Reconsidered and some of his new work.

Latest Books

homo mysticus: ex machina

Homo Mysticus: ex machina

Homo mysticus is a book about the science of mysticism, seen through the lens of ancient cosmogony and sacred geometry. This book connects the spiritual and the otherworldly to the practical and tangible in a refreshingly down-to-earth way. This book is a must-read for anyone interested in the subjects of both mysticism and science.

Metaphysics Reconsidered

Metaphysics Reconsidered

This work sits at the tail end of a progression of studies into theology, mysticism, and philosophy which reaches its apex here philosophically. It builds off of the understanding of the (shared) foundations of theological, mystical, and philosophical knowledge from antiquity that we explore in Theology Reconsidered and Homo Mysticus that have…