Hesiod’s Theogony: Chaos, Chronos and Eros
One of the nice things that you found as you studied more advanced civilizations, as you got further into the first millennium BCE, you had better material and source texts to work with. You no longer had to rely on texts and tablets that…

Ancient History II: Atlantis and the Ages of Man
The linear progression narrative of the history of man evolving from a primitive humanoid ape-like beast progressing up to modern homo sapiens through natural selective pressures alone (leaving aside the origins of DNA to begin with) should…

Ancient History 101
If we do not know our history are we not doomed to repeat it? Are were not here to learn anything at all? What if our shared, human history was kept from us? To divide us? So that we would not know just how truly wonderful and powerful we were?

The Eight, The Four, the Three and the Two
We’ll walk through Buddha’s teachings here for a moment but before we get to Buddha’s awakening we must look at how the Buddha arrived at the Bodhi tree to begin with. He was the son of a prince, and when he was born his father was told…

Ancient Persian Theology: Zarathustra and the Avesta
Chakras are real, shakti is real. Understand these vortexes of energy and how they fuel this existence, this apparition and how they manifest in the external world around us and also in the internal world in our bodies - manifesting as sickness or health, optimal or sub-optimal performance of the system effectively.

Energy and the Human Form
Chakras are real, shakti is real. Understand these vortexes of energy and how they fuel this existence, this apparition and how they manifest in the external world around us and also in the internal world in our bodies - manifesting as sickness or health, optimal or sub-optimal performance of the system effectively.

Mushrooms aren’t the only thing that lives in the dark
Here’s my first non-book entry in a while. Appreciate all the support from those of you that enjoy, and are reading Snow Cone Diaries, some private intellectual journeys that I have now shared with the public you might say. It’s been…

First Philosophy: Aristotle Again
It is almost annoying to have to continually go back to Aristotle when looking for the best ways to divide things, to think about things intellectually. In the West at least. It is not an exaggeration to say that his work forms the very…

There’s almost an echo back to those character defining events, a psychological structure forms out of those cooking chambers and leaves behind scars that become reference points for your state of being.
What forces are at play and how are…

Numerology with Pythagoras
When looking for the origins of the theological study of mathematics within the Greek philosophical tradition we must of course start with Pythagoras (c. 570 – 490 BCE), whose strong connection to this field of study survives even to this…