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Logos from Mythos: The Heart of Eurasian Philosophy

At some level, a religious tradition can be thought of as distinguished by, or even defined by, its creation story – i.e. its cosmological narrative - and the Hindu/Vedic tradition is no different in this regard although it has many nuances…
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Buddhist Philosophy: Impermanence, Suffering and the “No-Self”

Running parallel to the maturation and evolution of Hellenic philosophy, to the East the Indo-Aryan people were going through a similar intellectual revolution from the prevalence of ritual and ceremonial worship of gods and goddesses embedded…
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Meditation as a Mystical Art: A Bridge Through Time

Meditation then, in the context of the fairly lengthy discussions and treatment of this specific discipline, or practice, throughout this work (primarily through an Indian theo-philosophical lens) is a fundamentally aspect of, a core component…
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A Brief History of the Mystical Arts: Beyond Yoga (Excerpt from Intro of latest work)

The terms mysticism and meditation are used throughout this work, in particular with respect the analysis and study, i.e. the “interpretation”, of the life and teaching of a 19th century Bengali/Indian sage called Paramhamsa Ramakrishna,…
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Yoga and Vedanta: The Legacy of the Indo-Aryans

You didn’t have to go very far, or have too far out a view on the world, in order to be exposed to Yoga in the hustle and bustle of modern day.  In modern times, what we like to call the "Digital Era", Yoga is viewed primarily as a means…
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History and Heritage of Meditation as a Mystical Art

Meditation, in the context of the fairly lengthy discussions and treatment of this specific discipline, or practice, throughout this work (primarily through an Indian theo-philosophical lens) is a fundamentally aspect of, a core component of…
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The Game of Kings, Kipling, and Ritual: Strange Bedfellows

What struck Charlie as he dug deeper into the extensive philosophical and metaphysical systems that were created by Plato and even more so by Aristotle was an abandonment of the faith based mythological traditions of their predecessors in lieu…
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The Seeker: Chasing Ghosts is published

The book entitled The Seeker: Chasing Ghosts has been published and is available on my publisher's web site here, as well as all major online retail outlooks such as Amazon.
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What is Vedanta?

Introduction The ancient Indo-Aryan civilization sprung forth in the Indus valley region in modern day India and Pakistan (to the ancients Eastern Persia), and was the source of the “Vedas”, some of the oldest extant literature of mankind.…

Kali’s Child: A Case Study in the Limits of Freudian Psychoanalysis

As reluctant as I am to offer off an opinion on a debate that has been bantered about by scholars much more learned and experienced than I in comparative religion and scholars familiar with the source texts in Bengali, most notably the Kathamrita…