The Gnostics: Jesus as the Revealed Logos
In contrast to what we would consider the more orthodox interpretation of Jesus through the doctrine of Logos, and incorporating the Wisdom tradition of the Jews at the same time, we find another influential Gnostic teacher who comes from the…
Quantum Mechanics: The Death of Local Realism
From Pantheism to Monotheism
Charlie had covered a lot of ground by this point. He’d started in the age of mythology, at the dawn of civilization, looking at the cultural and socio-political forces that underpinned and supported the local…
Sacred Geometry in Plato’s Timaeus
After Pythagoras, the next in line in the propagation of core mathematical constructs, not just numbers themselves but again geometry as well, as key elements of the universal world order, is Plato. It is said that outside of the Academy which…
Pythagorean theology: Truth in numbers
In their quest for the ultimate symbols to represent reality the Greeks developed a theological system that although was analogous to the pantheistic tradition within which it coexisted, was relatively independent from it and was perceived to…
The Seeds of Christianity: The Hellenization of Judaism
With light and insight shed on the competing philosophical and theological systems from the 3rd century BCE to the first few centuries after the death of Christ and the advent of early Christianity, Middle Platonism and Stoicism in particular,…
Middle Platonism: Greek Philosophic Adolescence
Despite the emergence of metaphysics as we know it today in classical Greece, seen most clearly in the (interpretation of) the dialogues of Plato and then more clearly elucidated in the work of Aristotle, a product of Plato’s Academy, and…
Egyptian Mythology: The Bedrock of Western Theology
Judaism and Zoroastrianism clearly represented some of the earliest forms of monotheism in the civilized world, and both faiths had their respective prophets which each set of followers believed had had their respective laws, or truths, handed…
The Soul of Plato: The Seat of Logos
The lasting contribution of the Greeks to the West is not only in their political philosophy, they are of course given credit for the creation of democracy, but with their philosophical tradition in itself, from which their politics emerge really.…
Einstein and Spacetime: It’s all Relative
At this point, Charlie had enough material and had performed enough research to establish the core part of his thesis no doubt, illustrating what at least from his perspective seemed the clear borrowing and synthesis of various religious and…
Wave-Particle Duality: So Much for the Atom
From Charlie’s standpoint, Relativity Theory could be grasped intellectually by the educated, intelligent mind. You didn’t need advanced degrees or a deep understanding of complex mathematics to understand that at a very basic level,…