Tag Archive for: ancient cosmogony

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Hesiod’s Theogony: Chaos, Chronos and Eros

One of the nice things that you found as you studied more advanced civilizations, as you got further into the first millennium BCE, you had better material and source texts to work with.  You no longer had to rely on texts and tablets that…
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Logos from Mythos: The Heart of Eurasian Philosophy

At some level, a religious tradition can be thought of as distinguished by, or even defined by, its creation story – i.e. its cosmological narrative - and the Hindu/Vedic tradition is no different in this regard although it has many nuances…
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Eurasian Mythos: Establishing the Laurasian Hypothesis

These mythological narratives clearly reached back at some level or another into the pre-civilization times of the societies within which they emerged, there was clearly not only similarities between the accounts, but also clearly some “borrowing”…