Idealogical Reference Architecture (IRA), abridged version published in Open Journal of Philosophy (OJPP)
Abridged version available in the latest issue (Vol.12 No.3 2022) of Open Journal of Philosophy (OJPP), accessible here.
Complete text available online here.
With this work we introduce a system of idealogical metaphysics which…
The Eight, The Four, the Three and the Two
We’ll walk through Buddha’s teachings here for a moment but before we get to Buddha’s awakening we must look at how the Buddha arrived at the Bodhi tree to begin with. He was the son of a prince, and when he was born his father was told…
Karma and Dharma (get your shit together)
Spirituality is often used as a means, an excuse, to step away from the world. To abandon one's responsibilities so that one can find a "higher truth". A truth which is so important that they leave their mess (in life) to be cleaned up by someone…
On Dolores Cannon and the Subconscious
Snow Cone Diaries entry today on the nature and mechanics of the subconscious mind, linking Dolores Cannon's groundbreaking work with Vedanta and modern Psychology - and ultimately physics.
Understand the mechanics and you can appreciate…
Energy and the Human Form
Chakras are real, shakti is real. Understand these vortexes of energy and how they fuel this existence, this apparition and how they manifest in the external world around us and also in the internal world in our bodies - manifesting as sickness or health, optimal or sub-optimal performance of the system effectively.
The Word and the Light
But back to Genesis, what it’s telling us is that God and the Word are one. They are inseparable. Through this power that is vested in him, that is him, Heaven and Earth were created. Our universe was born through sound. Through vibration.
The Valdezian Ennead
What we add to this model, as a sort of stabilizing intellectual force on top of and somewhat orthogonal to the existing models presented above (Kant, Aristotle, Pirsig, Jung and others), a sort of re-alignment and shifting of intellectual ground…
Swami Vivekananda and Yoga: 20th Century Vedānta
In today's world, you don’t have to go very far, or have too far out a view on the world, in order to be exposed to Yoga. Yoga is looked upon in the West today primarily as a means to better health, and (primarily) as a means to a better…
Vedānta and Brahmavidyā: The Wisdom of the Rishis
One of, if not the, unique contributions of the Indo-Aryan people[1], to which Vedānta (the philosophical foundations of Hinduism) and Buddhism ultimately owe their heritage, is the importance they place, and fundamental belief in, what…
Logos from Mythos: The Heart of Eurasian Philosophy
At some level, a religious tradition can be thought of as distinguished by, or even defined by, its creation story – i.e. its cosmological narrative - and the Hindu/Vedic tradition is no different in this regard although it has many nuances…